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***Online Giving Coming Soon***


 If you are unable to make it to in-person services, you can mail tithe/offering checks to 

Ravenna Church of the Nazarene
530 Main Street

Ravenna, KY 40472

More Than One Way To Give

If you have extra canned goods or non-perishable food and would like to be a blessing to others, we have a blessing box located on the front of our Fellowship Hall. Feel free to place useable food items in the box. 

You may also contact the Church office if you have any questions about content or quantity. 

Blessing Box

There are always opportunities to volunteer within the church. From greeting people at the door with a bulletin to helping a child complete a craft in Children's church, the opportunities are endless. 

If you feel the desire to participate in a specific ministry, please do not hesitate to reach out to either Pastor Jason or Pastor Nicole. We would love to help you take part in growing God's kingdom!


There will never be a time when the Church does not need prayer. We will always welcome your prayers--as the Ministry Team of the church was never meant to carry the burden alone. 


 "Carry one another's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."

Galatians 6:2

Pop Tabs

At Ravenna Church of the Nazarene, we believe in making a difference, one small act of kindness at time. That's why we collect pop tabs as part of our ongoing effort to serve those in need. These pop tabs may seem small, but when collected, they hold the power to change lives. After we collect a 5-gallon bucket, these pop tabs are recycled, and the proceeds are used to provide wheelchairs for individuals who need them. 


By simply saving pop tabs, our congregation comes together to make a meaningful impact, demonstrating God's love in tangible ways as well as recognizing that even the "simplest" of offerings can be used by God and be a blessing to others. 

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